Angela Bismarchi (modelo e empresária), Diego Pombo (árbitro de futebol), Sylvinho Blau Blau (cantor), Viviane Araújo, Robertha Portella (ex-dançarina do Faustão), Rodrigo Capella (humorista)
Vavá (cantor), Léo Áquila (drag queen), Simone Sampaio (assistente de palco), Felipe Folgosi (ator)
Shayene Cesário (musa do Carnaval), Gustavo Salyer (modelo), Penélope Nova (apresentadora)
Gretchen (cantora). E tem novidade seis participantes já estão ameaçados de deixar A Fazenda. A apresentadora Penélope Nova, a modelo Viviane Araújo, o árbitro Gustavo Salyer, a cantora Gretchen, o ator Lui Mendes e o cantor Sylvinho Blau Blau estão ameaçados de ser eliminados do reality - Show.
Everything about the new season premiered The plantation and the audience had to say about the record led for 30 minutes. SBT in turn, tried to curb the attraction of Record with the visit of a Mexican actress in the Program of Mouse, reached only 8 points in the same range of time. And just who you look and the new pedestrian riality, Nicole Bahls (model and former stagehand), Lui Mendes (actor)
Angela Bismarchi (model and businesswoman), Diego Pombo (football referee), Sylvinho Blau Blau (singer), Viviane Araújo, Robertha Portella (ex-dancer Bill Murray), Rodrigo Capella (comedian)
Vava (Singer), Leo Aquila (drag queen), Simone Sampaio (stagehand), Felipe Folgosi (actor)
Shayene Cesario (muse of Carnival), Gustavo Salyer (model), New Penelope (presenter)
Gretchen (singer). And six new participants have already threatened to leave the farm. The New Penelope presenter, model Viviane Araújo, the referee Gustavo Salyer, Gretchen singer, actor and singer Lui Mendes Sylvinho Blau Blau are in danger of being eliminated from the reality.
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